The corruption of character politics

Snap! And there it went. Early in the night when the BBC released their exit poll on election day , I gleefully imagined Theresa May drafting up a eulogy for her premiership. Unfortunately, even though her leadership may no longer be “strong and stable”, she was still the leader of Britain. The conclusion of the… Continue reading The corruption of character politics

The modern marketplace of ideas

In the current political landscape, no idea is more important than that of the “marketplace of ideas”. This concept, echoed in Al Gore’s wonderfully enlightened book Assault on Reason, is the idea that with a laissez-faire approach in the regulation of freedom of speech and expression, meaning with little interference from governments, ideas presented by… Continue reading The modern marketplace of ideas

Unpaid internships: “a scourge on social mobility”

In the later months of 2016, Conservative MP, Alec Shelbroke sponsored a piece of legislation that would ban unpaid internships in the country with the intention of advocating social mobility in the UK. The Tory, whilst speaking in Parliament, denounced the notion of unpaid internships saying that such a concept “should have no place in… Continue reading Unpaid internships: “a scourge on social mobility”

Being truly “America first”

President Donald Trump in his inaugural speech, said “America first…” that’s the basis of his Presidency. The citizens and their interests will come first, that he will rebuild and make America great again and the country, will decrease the amount in which the US meddles in armed military affairs. Throughout his campaign he has said… Continue reading Being truly “America first”

The inauguration aftermath

The now inaugurated President Donald J. Trump is now in office, who would’ve thought this day would come? Often such an idea was said as a punch line of a joke (which is American democracy if Russia can easily tamper with it), with one of the early episodes of The Simpsons actually having predicted this… Continue reading The inauguration aftermath

The achilles heel of the Trump administration

“All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. We can vulgarise that society. We can brutalise it. Or we can help it onto a higher level.” The legendary advertising icon of the 1940’s Bill Berbrach, once said these wise words. With today’s current political landscape, both outside and inside… Continue reading The achilles heel of the Trump administration

Positivity in rejection

52004618 - young unhappy woman, rejection of bad habits

Compatibility with our prospective partner is an element we often forget from time to time due to our desire not to feel alone. When we forget about compatibility the relationships we form usually have less to do with enjoying another’s company and simply just wanting to have that romantic presence in your life. Admittedly, I’ve… Continue reading Positivity in rejection

Consequential freedom

Here I am sitting in a pub in Shepherds Bush, purposefully isolating myself in my own thoughts intoxicated by an overpriced pint of Peroni and smelling, what probably is like a chimney, from smoking what is already my second box of sovereigns for the day. Reflection is the result of my scarcity of friends here… Continue reading Consequential freedom

Strictly alternative

We often look at the denotations of niches and alternative culture in music and fashion forgetting “why” people choose what they choose and the deeper meaning of the subjective answers that follow. A nuanced example is a 17-year-old girl who was particularly vocal about her reasoning in her choice in fashion and music. “Isla” (the… Continue reading Strictly alternative